We will keep you updated on the relevant tax preparation for various business type such as L.L.C., sole proprietorship, etc. Check back on a regular basis on how to take full advantage of being in business for yourself. Every state will have their own specific laws but use this information as a guideline to navigate through your state’s requirements.
Explore different options from using self run programs such as Quickbooks to hiring virtual assistants. We’ll help you explore the many options at your fingertips.
Learn about the types of insurance that you may want to consider for your business. Take a look at the different health care options and discover the best rates and coverage for your situation.
Find tips and advice for the legal side of a small business, from initial start-up to operating with several employees or contractors.
See what research shows on the market trends such as the percentage of people starting their own businesses and the percentage of older people being laid off. Get motivated knowing that your years of experience can translate into a new business that resonates with you.