BF 018 – Steve Powell – IndeeLift


Show Notes

Steve Powell, CEO

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
~ Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-founder, chairman and CEO

Steve Powell is a seasoned entrepreneur whose most recent invention is a product called IndeeLift, which he designed and manufactured after taking care of his aging parents. IndeeLift helps older people get up from the floor after they have fallen. It also provides caregivers of seniors a safety tool to help protect them from injury when trying to lift seniors off the floor.

Steve, also known as the world’s only singing wine maker, believes that life is too short and you should find ways of doing what you love. Join us for this Brand Fifty podcast and learn about Steve and his thoughts for success in your next business venture.

  • Steve wanted to build a business that helps people; something that he could feel good about.
  • After years of working in corporate America in the telecommunications industry he decided it was time to take his years of experience and apply to his own business.
  • It’s never too late to start your own business. He started IndeeLift at 56.
  • He experienced the difficulty first hand in helping failing parents – saw the need and created the solution with IndeeLift.
  • He built IndeeLift to support Commercial, Direct to Consumer and Emergency Response organizations.
  • Failure was something that Steve had to deal with early on in his entrepreneurial career.
  • You have to have a niche when developing a business, something that’s not yet available or something that people will give you money for.
  • Too many businesses start that are undercapitalized. Most fail.
  • Must be capitalized the first 36 months.
  • Find a hole and fill it.
  • Figure out what you love because if you love it you’re not wasting your time.
  • Steve doesn’t believe that you should tap your 401K.
  • Become a side-entrepreneurial.
  • You can borrow money from a bank, friends & family.
  • If you’re miserable in your current job why stay. Find something you thoroughly enjoy and look at making a business out of it.
  • Franchise is a great way to go.
  • If you’re really unhappy in your current job, taking a pay cut is well worth it when you do something you enjoy doing.


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